
Monday, May 30, 2016

20 Astonishing Facts About Apple

Apple Inc. has became one of the world’s top corporations, generating billions of dollars annually, providing jobs worldwide, introducing astonishing new technologies and products, and upending the apple carts of technology, politics, social events, and more. Their achievements cover so many areas that it would take days to spotlight. Apple’s rise to power has been an up and down battle of mega proportions, they’ve had to go up against fierce competitors, government regulations, and more. However, when all is said and done, Apple still is a leader in innovation and originality. So let’s look at some of the fun facts about Apple.
  1. The name ‘Apple’ came from founder Steve Jobs’ like of the fruit. Mystery surrounded the reason for the name Apple, but in truth it was just the fruit that Jobs’ liked and named the company after that.
  2. Apple originally had three co-founders. The third co-founder, a man named Ronald Wayne, had joined co-founders, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak but he left the company only 12 days after it was founded. He sold his 10% share for only $800 and got an additional payout of $1,500. Had Wayne stayed with the company, his shares would be worth today around $60 billion!
  3. Apple have a ‘no smoking’ ban regarding their computers. As ridiculous as it sounds, but if you smoke while using an Apple computer, you void the warranty – you’ve been warned!
  4. Apple employs more people than a good sized city. Apple employs over 90,000 people. However, millions more make money from Apple and that ranges from sales affiliates to mom and pop shops around the world.
  5. With the first Apple iPod, an Easter Egg was implanted. The way to get the Easter Egg is to go to the ‘About’ menu and hold down the center button for just a few seconds. Users could then see and play a game called Breakout. The game had previously been developed by Apple co-founders Wozniak and Jobs when they worked at Atari.
  6. Apple is so successful, it has twice the amount of money than the U.S. Treasury.
  7. Apple scored big time with the iPod. The creator, Tony Fadell had originally offered the device to both Real Networks and Philips. Both companies turned it down.
  8. In 1983, Apple launched its Lisa line of computers. It failed. Word is that around 2,700 of the devices are buried in a landfill in Utah.
  9. Apple is so successful, that in the first quarter of 2014, it made more money than Amazon, Google, andFacebook combined.
  10. Apple has around $150 billion in excess capital. It could buy companies like Netflix, Twitter, Tesla, and Facebook.
  11. It was no evil Satanic reason the Apple I sold for $666.66. Steve Wozniak saw that the price was $667.00 and liked repeated numbers so he changed it to $666.66.
  12. Apple’s first company logo featured a drawing of the father of physics, Sir Isaac Newton.
  13. To raise capital for Apple, co-founder Steve Wozniak had to sell his scientific calculator.
  14. Apple was the first to make a digital color camera.
  15. The name iPod was inspired by the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.
  16. At present, Apple is the largest publicly traded company in the United States.
  17. Apple’s cash on hand, around $155 billion, could give everyone in the US, $490.00!
  18. If Apple was a country, it would be the world’s 27th largest country, between Venezuela and Belgium.
  19. By 2011, the Apple iPhone accounted for 40% of the company’s annual revenue. It’s estimated that over three quarters of Apple’s income is from products that were invented within the past 10 years.
  20. Even with an estimated net worth of $7 billion, for the last 15 years with the company, CEO Steve Jobs was only paid $1 so he could qualify for the company’s health benefits.
Overall, Apple’s history is one of astonishment. Now one of the most powerful players in the computing and mobile fields, Apple continues to surprise the world with its innovative products and services.
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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Facts about earth

Day by day we live our lives, marked by the rotation of our planet giving us our beautiful sunrises and sunsets. But have you ever wondered about the planet we live on, the Earth? Have you ever wondered what it’s made of? Or how much it weighs? Maybe you’ve wondered why have a leap year? Or maybe you’ve never really given it a passing thought. For all of you wanderers, or all of you who just want to know something new, here’s 30 interesting facts about our brilliant planet. Enjoy readers.
  1. The planet Earth weighs approximately 5,974,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms (nearly 6 septillion kg), that’s roughly the same amount of weight as 54,807,339,449,541,284,403 (approx 55 quintillion) Blue Whales – the heaviest creature on the Earth itself!
  2. Contrary to popular belief it does not take the Earth 24 hours to complete a single rotation, it actually takes it 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds to complete a rotation and astronomers call this a sidereal day.
  3. A year on Earth is not 365 days as widely thought, but rather 365.2564 days. The extra 0.2564 days is where the extra day that is added onto February every leap year, or every four years, comes from.
  4. Ever wondered why people call the Earth the Blue Planet? That’s because 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water!
  5. Of the 70% of water covering the Earth only 3% of it is fresh, the other 97% of it is salted.
  6. Of this 3% more than 2% resides in ice sheets and glaciers, meaning less than 1% is in lakes and rivers.
  7. Due to the amount of water covering the Earth, it would be one of the brightest planets to look upon from a distance due to the way in which the water would reflect the Sun’s rays.
  8. The Earth consists of 3 different the layers: the Crust, The Mantle and The Core. And each of these three different layers is made up of different elements.
  9. The Crust consists of 32% Iron, 30% Oxygen, 15% Silicon, 14% Magnesium, 3% Sulphur, 2% Nickel – which totals 96%. The other 4% is made up of trace amounts of Calcium, Aluminium and other miscellaneous elements.
  10. Before I tell you what the rest of the Earth’s layers consist of, here’s an interesting side-fact about the Earth’s Crust: it consists of different plates floating perpetually on the Earth mantle, moving at the same rate that a person’s fingernails grow!
  11. On an elemental level, the Mantle consists of 44.8% Oxygen, 21.5% Silicon and 22.8 Magnesium, although it also contains trace amounts of Iron, Aluminium, Calcium, Sodium and Potassium. However, these elements are all bound together in the rocks that make up the Earth’s Mantle.
  12. The Mantle is the largest layers of the Earth, approximately 2,970 km thick – this makes up about 84% of the Earth’s total volume.
  13. The Earth’s core consists of two layers, an outer-layer and an inner-layer. Although the specific percentages are unknown, both the outer and inner layers of the Earth’s Core consist of mainly Iron and Nickel.
  14. The outer-layer of the Earth’s core is believed to be liquid, whereas the inner-layer of the Core is believed to be a solid as hot as the Sun!
  15. Due to the unique Nickel-Iron properties of the Earth’s Core, when coupled with the Earth’s rotation, The Earth is surrounded by a powerful magnetic field that protects it from the effects of Solar Wind.
  16. In the past there have been many misconceptions about the Earth, such as when people thought it was the centre of the Solar System and that all other planets orbited it! Or when they thought it was flat and that a person could sail off the edge by sailing over the horizon!
  17. The Earth’s rotation is gradually slowing down. However it is slowing down so very minimally (approximately 17 milliseconds per hundred years) that it will be about 140 million years before the Earth experiences 25 hour days.
  18. Of all the planets in our solar system, the Earth is the most dense with a density of roughly 5.52 grams per cubic centimetre. The second densest planet in our solar system is Mercury with a density of 5.427 grams per cubic centimetre.
  19. The Earth is the only planet in our solar system not named after either a Greek or Roman God.
  20. The Earth is associated with the Goddess Terra Mater (Gaea in Greek Mythology) who was the first Goddess on Earth and the mother of Uranus.
  21. The name Earth comes from a combination of Old English and Germanic and is derived from ‘eor(th)e’ and ‘ertha’ which mean ‘ground’.
  22. Earth is the only planet in our solar system to have water in all three of its forms (Liquid, Solis & Gas).
  23. One third of the Earth’s surface is either partially or totally desert.
  24. The Earth is struck by lightning 100 times per second – that’s 8.6 million times per day!
  25. The Earth is the only place in our solar system where a Solar Eclipse can happen.
  26. The Queen of the U.K. is the legal owner of one sixth of the Earth’s land surface!
  27. The Earth is actually not round in shape – it is geoid. This is because the rounded shape has a slight bulge towards the equator which is caused by the Earth’s rotation.
  28. Although life (as we know it) has only existed on Earth for 150 – 200 million years, the Earth itself is almost 5 billion years old!
  29. The Earth tilts at roughly 66 degrees.
   30.  If you drilled a tunnel straight through the Earth and jumped in, then it would take you about 42 minutes to get to the other side!

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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Facts about online shopping and some of the best deals

  1. Online shopping or e shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser.

    Its alternative names are: e-web store, e-shop, e-store, Internet shop, web shop, webstore, online store, online store front and virtual store. Online shopping describes the process of consumers buying goods and services over the Internet. In recent years, online shopping has been on the rise with customers increasingly using their mobile devices for various online shopping activities. It is especially popular during the holiday season as consumers wish to avoid crowded stores when shopping. Every shopper looks for a great deal. A successful webstore is not just a good looking website with dynamic technical features listed in many search engines. In addition to disseminating information, it is also about building a relationship with customers and making money. Understanding the customer’s wants and needs is essential. Living up to the company’s promises gives customers areas on to come back and meeting their expectations gives them areas on to stay. It is important that the website communicates how much the company values its customers. Online shopping offers more discounts on products and these deals are generally offered by retailers. It is an advantage of saving money, called “single line”. Shopping online is much more convenient than dealing with the crowds in the store. For those who are concerned using their credit card at multiple different sites with regard to security can get prepaid gift cards to spend on the online store. Many companies also offer free shipping for large purchases.
    Some interesting statistics regarding online shopping is as follows:-
  2. 1.) Amazon’s websites has 94 million visitors per one month.

    2.) 77% men and 68% women shop during lunch hour.

    3.) 20% of customers abandon an online purchase because they are doubtful about the security of their credit cards.

    4.) U.S. e-commerce sales grew from 72 billion U.S. dollars in 2002 to 228 billion U.S. dollars in 2010

    5.) Online shopping is much popular among younger and middle aged user. Shoppers aged between 35 and 44 make up 29% of all online spending.

    6.) 72% of women look online for apparels and lingerie.

    7.) Approx. 40% of online shoppers consult online reviews before they shop.

    8.) In India, men form the majority among online customers.
    9.) The first online shopping site on Internet was the pizza shop by Pizza hut in 1994.

    10.) The “best seller” product in shopping sites worldwide is books.

    11.) Bestselling book on Amazon for 2012 was the autobiography of Steve Jobs-“Steve Jobs”.

    12.) The number of online shoppers is expected to grow to 170 million in 2015.
    Online shopping has become a multibillion dollar revenue stream. It has completely turned the path to purchase on its head. Any successful online marketing strategy begins with understanding and then catering to consumers various shopping patterns and preferences. Overall satisfaction with online shopping is high at 83 percent. Today’s online shoppers are looking for a variety of flexible options from retailers. Online shopping hit$2.29billion in sales. Product information found on social channels influences shopping behaviour and enhances loyalty of 75 percent of shoppers. It can be considered a sub category of e commerce .It refers to business of consumer transactions such as online retail or online auctions. It also refers to online purchases from bricks and mortar retailers or from online retailing corporations. This industry has grown considerably over the past decade. In 2012 more than one third of ecommerce revenue was generated by travel and flight booking websites. The largest share of online revenue was generated by retail shopping websites. E-retailers lure consumers with special festival deals. You can log on to the websites of all your favourite retailers to check out what sorts of online only deals they have to offer. If you are already planning to do some of your holiday shopping online,it may be worth your effort to check and see if there are any good discounts to help you save a little more. 4 percent of shoppers admit that they have made an online purchase while at a social gathering.78percent of shoppers use the Internet to purchase or research future purchases every year. On a normal working day online sales peak at11:25 am. Top products purchased online include apparel,books/DVDs/video games and consumer electronics. Shopping online offers a wide range and variety of advantages for consumers. It is often most of the time really fast, cheaper and more convenient and the product range which is now available online is virtually infinite. This includes clothes, books, toys, movies and music,groceries and the list of things goes on and on.

    Here are some of the best online deals in links below have a view :-


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